NC fitness
Your body can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
It all depends on how you choose to treat it.
Head Coach Natalia Casanova
Hi, babes! My name is Natalia Casanova, owner of NC Fitness! I live in a beautiful small town on Vancouver Island, on the west coast of Canada.
After some health issues, I decided to take hold of my life and enrolled in a Holistic Nutrition program. The course itself was full of great information and helped me get on track, but I do believe in balance and enjoying life, so I finished school feeling lost as to what I truly felt passionate about. I was aligned with many of their visions but knew I needed more.
After finishing my nutrition certification I started to spend a lot of time on my personal fitness. I made a lifestyle change where working out/eating well became something I WANTED to do, instead of feeling like something I HAD to do.
The way I started to feel and the changes in my body had me finding confidence I struggled to have for many years. You're only given one body and it is capable of doing amazing things, so why not take care of it? I felt ready and committed to make this something I wanted to turn into a business, and help others through their journey. In early 2018 I took the plunge and signed up for a personal training certification through the ISSA.
My vision is to be able to age gracefully, the right way, and to be able to set a good example for my family, and help others do the same.
Nutritionist (CSNN)
Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA)
Women's Coaching Specialist (GGS)

Assistant Coach Emily Collin
Hi! I am beyond thrilled to be assistant coaching for Natalia! I grew up on Vancouver island and have spent a lot of time discovering what amazing things it has to offer. After many years bouncing around different programs in university trying to decide where I wanted my life to go, I decided to become a registered Pharmacy Technician. I’d worked in pharmacy since I was 17 and it seemed like a logical road to take.
For most of my twenties I had no real fitness or nutrition goals. I was depressed, overweight, and very unhealthy. I tried multiple fad diets, did a few fitness classes here and there but was never happy with how I felt in my body.
In March 2020 I decided to try a 12 week challenge with Natalia. This challenge kickstarted my entire journey to health and wellness and I am forever grateful I took the plunge. I discovered what it was like to feel strong and nourished and I never looked back. I decided that if I could completely change my life, anyone can so I took my personal training certification through NASM. Suddenly I found myself applying for an assistant coaching position with Natalia, and here we are!
I know what it’s like to feel stuck, but I am living proof that anything is possible. It is a dream come true to be able to coach women through their own fitness and nutrition transformations and I truly believe I am meant to do this. My hope is to help women discover their potential through a balanced lifestyle without huge food restrictions and excessive work outs!
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)